
Sewer Sweep

Most home’s main sewer lines are most likely as old as the home itself. Like most major active systems, sewer lines need periodic inspection or maintenance. Without performing an inspection it is impossible to know the condition of this below ground waste line. A problem with your home’s sewer line usually only surfaces when sewage backs up into your home, making the home unlivable until repaired (no use of toilets or showers). Tank One’s certified technicians provide a sewer inspection sweep by inserting a mini video camera into the sewer line and determine the condition of your pipes all the way to the main street connection. The sewer pipe will be inspected visually for common problems such as blockages, holes, pooling, cracks, tree root intrusion and pipe separation. A functioning sewer line may not show any of these problems or effect the current performance of the line. However, these type of problems may worsen over time, causing a future sewer backup that may create the need for a major line repair or replacement. The average cost for replacing a sewer main line can exceed $7,500+.  Identifying a problem with a sewer main line before purchasing a home puts the cost burden for the repair on the seller instead of the buyer.

Schedule a Sewer Sweep

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    About Tank One

    We locate, service, and/or remove oil tanks in North New Jersey and Southern New York. For over 15+ years, the experts at Tank One have used cutting edge technology to perform tank sweeps, tank removals, verify oil tank performance & integrity, and conduct environmental remediation.


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      About Tank One

      We locate, service, and/or remove oil tanks in North New Jersey and Southern New York. For over 15+ years, the experts at Tank One have used cutting edge technology to perform tank sweeps, tank removals, verify oil tank performance & integrity, and conduct environmental remediation.

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